Blogger Tricks Animal Jam Graphic Central's Contest Blog: 10,000 Views Quote Contest!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

10,000 Views Quote Contest!

Hi jammers! For the 10,000 views mark, there will be a quote contest! :D Basically, you will submit a quote in each of the four categories. A winner will be chosen for each category. :) Before we get to the contest and the prizes, here are a few rules...

  • Only one entry per account. This means that you cannot enter on your storage or something. You must pick one account and enter on that one.
  • You may not copy quotes off of the Internet. I want to see your quotes, not someone else's. If I find out that you used a quote from the Internet, your entire entry will be disqualified.
  • Only one entry per category- no more. 

Well, I guess that's it. XD To prove that you read the above rules, you must include the code word: candy in your entry. Otherwise, your entry will not be counted. ):

Here are the categories!




FREESTYLE (can be about anything you like)

And here are the prizes!

Each category winner will pick one of the prizes. :) 

Okay jammers- good luck! :D


  1. Hello! I would like to sumbit a quote for all of the catagories, so lets begin.

    Animal Jam: It's not about the betas you recive. It's about the friends you make.

    Friendship: Friendship can last forever, it just depends on you to make the choice.

    Life: Never say your days are over, live on.

    Freestyle (also about life): Always trust where your life takes you, because life is a jorney.

  2. I'm going to enter one for everyone too. I hop it's ok
    Animal Jam: Rares and Betas are just pixels but there are real people behind those computers who want to play.
    Friend Ship: Friends are like weeds but once you get to know them they turn into flowers! :D
    Life: If you never smile in life what will people think? Your grumpy? Always smile it's good for everyone!
    Free Style: Free style is a kind of dance, art, and poetry. But with friends it can be anything. Friends are important in life. They make you dance, laugh, do art and poetry, and so many more things! It's good to have friends! :))

  3. OK so I am going to enter sorry I know some of these are bad but here goes! Code word is candy to!

    Life. "Life is a roller coaster cherish it"

    Animal jam. "Those so called rares and betas are just pictures on a screen what maters more are your friends not on the screen but in your heart."

    Friendship. "A friend is like a fingerprint they can not be replaced."

    Freestyle. "Open your eyes and see the world"

    OK there you have it!


  4. Username: Purplestarclub
    Code: Candy :P
    Here we go...
    Animal Jam: If rares can ruin the game, buddies can FIX the game! :)
    Friendship: Friends are the light of your life, they are always there, shining bright. (I hope you don't mind that I already put this on my blog header.)
    Life: Life is a little town. It has roads but you never know where you're gonna go!
    Freestyle: Someone can't break you but you CAN build you. :3
    Ok, I'm done with my horrible quotes. XD
    --Purplestarclub ^-^

  5. Username: hashtagcupcake
    Animal Jam: There is someone on the other side of the screen who matters way more than any rares.
    Life: Life is a journey, so enjoy the UP's and the DOWN's.
